
Duke nukem forever easter eggs
Duke nukem forever easter eggs

duke nukem forever easter eggs

In the bathroom in level 46 going postal, a message can be seen written backwards on the wall. In the second to last level of Duke Nukem 3D atomic edition, players can open one of the walls to reveal Homer Simpson's donut covered desk from the nuclear plant.

duke nukem forever easter eggs

In the stadium level, if players either look up or use a jetpack, they can see a blimp which reads Duff, a reference to the Duff Brand from The Simpsons. There are also a series of references to the Simpsons within Duke Newcomb 3D. An additional really ready room can be uncovered inside Picard's Ready Room with a secret stash of dirty videos. Duke can find the bridge of the Starship Enterprise and Captain Picard's Ready Room. In the lunar apocalypse level warp factor, there are a few hidden rooms referencing Star Trek the next generation. This references the ending to the first Terminator film where the T800 is crushed under a hydraulic press. A flattened Terminator-looking robot can be found behind the Machine Press. The Duke Nukem 3D Shrapnell City Level Freeway contains a hidden reference to the Terminator Series. Another famous Duke Newcomb quote, it's time to kick and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of gum was taken almost verbatim from the 1988 John Carpenter film They Live. Aside from a few choice quotes, the popular Duke one liner Hail to the King Baby is taken word for word from the last line in Army of Darkness. The cover of Duke Newcomb 3D pays homage to the iconic cover image for Evil Dead three Army of Darkness and the the only reference to that same film in Duke Newcomb. The Duke Newcomb games are fully loaded with references to movies, music, and other video games. Not only did he get his long awaited game but Gearbox sent him a care package full of Duke Nukem merchandise. One strange result of Forever's extended production was that retailer GameStop was obliged to honor a decade old preorder for the game, a gamer that goes by the alias slash000 held on to his preorder from 2001.

Duke nukem forever easter eggs